With your help,
We've nearly doubled our space!
To better serve our community, we've expanded.
With your help and the help of our many strategic community partners, the CHFP now has 10,400 square feet that can be used for food storage and client enrichment opportunities.
In late 2022, the CHFP Board of Directors began considering what it would mean for us to be better able to serve our community and quickly realized that meant expanding our space.
We were so fortunate that we were able to expand into the space right next door! This $200,000+ expansion project has been generously funded by primary foundation grantors along with business partners from our local community and people like YOU!
Our community needs are growing, and we will continue to be there to serve them ... in bigger and better ways. But ... we still need your help!
Lives are changed by the simple act of ensuring everyone has access to healthy, nutritious food.
Provide food. Provide hope. It's what we do.

From left: Abby Lynch, CHFP Board Chair; Valerie Liggins, TCF Senior Program Officer for Community Health; Warren Hammonds, CHFP Executive Director; Risha Stebbins, TCF Senior Program Officer & Director of Communications; Nadine Marsh-Carter, TCF President; Brandy Cramer, TCF Program Officer for Community & Economic Development; Mike Williams, JRF Grant Committee Chair; Elisa Carraway, JRF Board President; Kevin Foster, JRF Executive Director. Photo credit Stephen G. Studios
If you were one of our donors specifically to the Capital Expansion Fund, we are appreciative of your gift. The CHFP fundraised ALL capital funding needed, and did not rely upon ANY program or operational funds to complete the amazing project!
Why our growth is so important:
"Expanding our space has presented us with the opportunity to have more available client services and client enrichment opportunities within our facility. Referral and resource partners will be using our facilities for the improvement of our clients' livelihoods and will allow us the opportunity to arrange enrichment programs for the betterment and well-being of our clients and our community,"
Abby Lynch CHFP Board President.

We are very grateful for our funding partners, but your help continues to be important too!
This expansion project has been generously funded largely through grants and contributions from our business partners: Feed More, Inc., The Cameron Foundation, John Randolph Foundation, The Mary Morton Parsons Foundation, and more. But without YOU ... our community ... we could not do what we do, and we still need your help. With growing needs and a larger space, we have greater expenses and your support will ensure we can continue supporting our community to build a better tomorrow.
As the need grows ... we will be there.

Long lines at distribution.
Distribution frenzy!

Teamwork makes the dream work!
Where we started... and where we are now!